Preparations to bring Saba Faisal’s little daughter-in-law home


Saba Faisal has started preparations for the marriage of her younger son Arsalan Faisal, and bringing her daughter-in-law home.

By sharing a video on the photo and video-sharing platform Instagram, the actress announced the marriage of her son and actor Arsalan Faisal. In the video shared by the actress, she can be seen shopping for chhohara and dry fruits distributed on the occasion of Nikah at a wedding ceremony.

In the caption of the video shared by Saba Faisal, he has written ‘Dan Aya’ and added a red heart emoji. While commenting in the comments posts the actress, fellow artists, and fans congratulated her on this joyous occasion, her son and groom-to-be Arsalan Faisal thanked his mother.

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