Rahat Fateh Ali Khan’s video of beating an employee went viral, the singer apologized


Rahat Fateh Ali Khan has apologized after the video of the worst torture

Yesterday (January 27), a video of Rahat Fateh Ali went viral on social media, in which he can be seen beating up a domestic worker, after which he also beats up his student.

In this video, the famous singer kept asking the employee for the ‘bottle’.

After the video went viral on social media, users criticized him severely.

After which in his statement, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan apologized and said that it was a personal matter between the teacher and the student and pointed out a person named Naveed Hasnain and said that this is the person who was killed in the video.

Hasnain said that the bottle that caused the controversy in the video contained water and was read by his mentor, that bottle was lost by me.

Pointing to Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, he said that he is my father and teacher, he loves us very much and whoever dared to leak this video is blackmailing my teacher to defame him. Is.

On the other hand, famous singer Rahat Fateh Ali Khan said in a video statement that this video is about the relationship between a teacher and a student. We also punish him.

He further said that I apologized to my student at the same time.

This is not the first time when Rahat Fateh Ali Khan has been stuck in a problem but such incidents have happened before.

The singer was charged with currency violations after he and his accomplices were caught at the airport in India’s capital, New Delhi, allegedly with $1.5 million in cash.

The singer was detained at the airport and had his passport confiscated after performing at several concerts in India.

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