Shagufta Ejaz’s Husband Passes Away


Shagufta Ejaz is a major star in the country. She has always openly shared her life with the world, and many people have been inspired by her hardships and ability to get back up after falling. She is the mother of lovely daughters and has excelled as a daughter, mother, artist, and wife. She married husband Yahya Siddiqui while already having two daughters from her previous marriage. The couple produced two more children, and their family is a model of unity and harmony.

Shagufta and her family were going through a difficult period because her husband had been seriously ill and bedridden for quite some time. His condition deteriorated, and he was receiving treatment at the Agha Khan Hospital in Karachi. The couple recently celebrated their wedding anniversary while Yahya Siddiqui was in the hospital, where he regrettably passed suddenly.

Shagufta Ejaz just announced the terrible news of her husband’s death on Instagram, and we wish the family peace and sabar. This is a terrible time, one of the most difficult to bear.

Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajioon. May Allah bless the departed and provide the family sabar. This was the official announcement from the family’s side, and Shagufta Ejaz sought prayers:

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