Tuba Anwar Shares Qualities Of Her Ideal Man


Tuba Anwar began her career in media by working in production. She became famous after marrying the late Aamir Liaqat Hussain. Tuba Anwar’s marriage ended, and she began her acting career with Bharaas. She has since worked on several major projects and is on her way to success.

Tuba Anwar is currently part of Baby Baji Ki Bahuein. She appeared on Vasay Chaudhary’s show and addressed questions about her inspirations, job, and personal life. She was asked what attributes she looks for in an ideal mate, and she gave a really rational answer.

Tuba stated that an ideal man must have substance in his personality. He should be capable of engaging in intellectual conversations and have a nice heart. She suggested a minimum height of 6’2″. These are the attributes she looks for in her perfect boyfriend.

Here is what she said:

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