Why Sahiba Does Not Call Rambo By His Name


Sahiba and Rambo are one of the most popular celebrity couples in the industry. They married while they were cinematic stars and at the peak of their careers. They now have two boys and are both accomplished actors who work on other projects. Sahiba and Rambo are also quite open about their family life, having even shared Sahiba’s first encounter with her father with the public.

Sahiba was a guest on Nida Yasir, Yasir Nawaz, and Danish Nawaz’s show Nadaan Maizbaan, where she discussed her life, love, and priorities. She also shared a previously unknown detail about her hubby. She stated that she never addresses Rambo by name or his true name, Afzal. She constantly calls him Sunein, or something like that.

Here is what she revealed:

Sahiba also stated that she had never seen a man as holy as Rambo. She stated that anytime Rambo requests that a religious person pray for someone who is sick at home, Sahiba always begs him to do so since she believes Rambo is the most devout man she knows.

This is what Sahiba said:

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