Arsalan Naseer Calls Pakistani Artists Greedy


Arsalan Naseer is a YouTuber turned actor who has been in several major projects. His drama Radd was recently a smash hit, and he shared a lot of screen time with his co-star Hiba Bukhari. Hiba and Arsalan filmed a candid Q/A session, and Asalan was his normal humorous self, making some fascinating comments.

Arsalan Naseer and Hiba Bukhari were reminiscing about their meeting at the PISA Awards in Dubai, when Arsalan made an unexpected observation regarding Pakistani performers. He stated that Pakistani stars are always searching for paid three-day excursions to Dubai, and that he only traveled for one day for the concert and returned due to professional responsibilities, whereas our musicians are always asking for paid visits.

Here is what Arsalan said:

Arsalan also referred to Hiba Bukhai as the ratings queen, which made her feel slightly ashamed. He stated that Hiba has always made working with her really comfortable, and that she is the true ratings queen, always keeping herself busy.

This is what he said:

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