Pakistani Celebrities Spread Message Of Resilience & Patience in Muharram
Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar and holds a lot of religious significance. Throughout the Holy Month, Muslims around the world express their sadness and sorrow. Muslims mourn the unfortunate loss of Hazrat Imam Hussain R.A, his family, and associates, who heroically fought the war but refused to compromise on their principles. They remained staunch supporters of Islam. In Muharram, the beloved grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A), accepted martyrdom. The combat of Karbala occurred in Muharram, and the horrible combat resulted in Hussain Ibn-e-Ali’s tragic demise. Muslims all throughout the world observe Muharram with great sadness and respect.
This year, several Pakistani celebrities are spreading themes of perseverance, patience, and bravery. They are posting lovely quotes that highlight Shuhada’s bravery in standing firm and fighting their war courageously. All of the celebrities believe that Hazrat Imam Hussain’s death unifies the Ummah and sends a message that Muslims should not fear anyone other than Allah.
Here is the link to Noha Recitation by Mohsin Abbas Haider:
Listen to another lovely recitation shared by Noor Bukhari in the video Karbala, Iraq.
Resham, a Pakistani actress, distributes Langar daily from the first to the tenth of Muharram. This is a lovely video of Resham.
Here is another video of Madeha Naqvi about the tragic Karbala war:
Here is video of Adnan Shah Tipu:
A beautiful recitation in Aagha Ali’s voice: